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Community Engagement has completed their second Zoom call with Friends of other yearly meetings – it is wonderful to be in relationship together as we continue to develop a strategic direction for our work.They also discussed PYM Youth Program events with Friends Schools. Staff met with Quarterly Meeting Coordinators to learn about their work and explore ways of supporting them with yearly meeting resources.Youth staff and Quaker Life Council are populating the Youth Programs Advisory Committee.

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It was a blessing to get him and he was a knowledgeable, compelling speaker. Enrollment was at a record high of about 90 people it a tremendously successful evening.

  • Friends in Business hosted the Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, at a dinner event on December 5.
  • It established a Sprint to work with staff to thresh the most pressing questions and to lay the groundwork for the launching of a full-fledged, effective committee.
  • After Administrative Council approved the establishment of a Development Committee in its care the Admin Governance Committee took steps toward peopling it effectively.
  • At the close of the year PYM also reminds donors to make a gift to their monthly meeting in its final electronic appeal.

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    Weekly emails with the theme of ‘the 25 Gifts of Yearly Meeting’ are going out weekly, extending the December appeal electronically.We will shift to reaching out to lapsed donors in January and February. An analysis of current donors shows we are generally matching or exceeding their prior years’ giving. The new database automates a five-year giving report for each donor and compares income year over year. The beautiful December appeal was mailed on November 26 and our incoming mail has been pleasantly heavy.We took first steps toward reviewing our cybersecurity systems and practices.It will be presented to the Administrative Council on the 15th. It is a clean audit, without remarks, and was accepted by the Audit Committee on December 10th. We received the 2018 Audit from our auditors, Kreischler Miller. Check writing and payroll have run smoothly, as have all Aging grants which are sent out at the beginning of each month. Your Part Time Controller has PYM’s accounting work in hand.General Secretary Report on Staff Activity to Councils Mid November – Mid December 2018

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